Pacific Pathways • Caroline Yacoe • 223 Paiko Drive • Honolulu, Hawaii 96821 • Phone/Text (808) 384-5438 • e-mail: cyacoepp@gmail.com
The Artwork of
Donald Yacoe
Donald Yacoe had a long career as an exhibiting artist, professor of art and muralist. One man shows in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Honolulu were complemented by exhibitions in U.S. museums and abroad. Don was a Professor Emeritus at Long Island University, C.W. Post Center, School of the Arts, Brookville, New York and a former exchange professor at the University of Hawaii, Manoa. A permanent resident of Hawaii since 1985,Don lived and worked in a house and studio on Paiko Lagoon in East Honolulu. He and his wife Caroline, traveled extensively in the Pacific collecting art and filming for documentaries on tribal art, life and ceremonies - which also influenced his paintings.

While these samples of Donald’s work are no longer available they are included here as a tribute to his artistic ingenuity and for your pleasure.
••• Click on a thumbnail below for a larger view in a new window •••

Many of Don painting from his different periods are available for museum or private purchase and architectural settings.

"For a number of years my painting had a sense or expanding space with abstract forms pushing to the outer edge of the canvas. For these shaped canvases, now released from the structured frame, the surrounding wall becomes the background. Bare canvas between the painted areas strengthens the paintings value contrast. Small colored abstract images act and react within this turbulent
environment. Oil magic markers introduce a linear element to these varied shapes. These abstract images relate to my long-term involvement with
Oceanic Tribal Art. They are however, of my own creation. These shaped canvases embody my personal concern for current
individual and group relationships. However, they are open to the viewer's
own interpretation.
Previous Exhibitions of Donald's Work Include:
One Man Shows Include:
Babcock Gallery, New York City
Fishback Gallery, New York City
Spectrum Gallery, New York City
Palmer House Gallery, Chicago
Elizabeth Nelson Gallery, Chicago
Landau Gallery, Los Angeles
Pasadena Art Museum
Paul Fachetti Gallery, Paris
Contemporary Arts Center, Honolulu
Hillwood Gallery, Long Island University
Major Group Exhibits:
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Art Institute of Chicago
de Young Museum, San Francisco
Los Angeles County Museum
Denver Museum
Seattle Arts Museum
Pasadena Art Museum
Santa Barbar Museum
Rochester Memorial Art Gallery, New York
Honolulu Academy of Art
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
Tokyo Museum
The Palais Des Belle Arts
Mexico City